Once you sign up for your TheBigBot account usage, you will have a FREE TRIAL PERIOD. You will notice that there will be a proof of funds and verification pending charge on your account. When you sign up for your TheBigBot account, you will be asked to use a valid form of payment which will automatically become the card on file that you use for our platform. Whatever card you list as the primary tender for your TheBigBot account will show a pending charge when you sign up. We do this to verify that you have sufficient funds in the account, however, the pending charge will be released instantly upon verification. This means that you will not be charged the subscription fee during your trial period.1 Column
We do this for security purposes. When your trial period. comes to an end, you will be billed based on the payment plan you select when you sign up for your account. Refer to the billing options mentioned above.
If you are not satisfied with the platform after five days, please make sure to cancel before your trial comes to an end if you wish to avoid any service charges that will automatically incur when the trial comes to an end.
When you sign up for an account with TheBigBot , you are agreeing to the terms and conditions that hold you accountable for managing your payment options, subscriptions, and any card tender that you select to have on file. You will be responsible for self-managing your account, and should you desire to change and update your payment information, or cancel at any time, you can do so by logging in to your account setting with the e-mail and log-in credentials you used to sign up for your TheBigBot account.
1. Phone Numbers
All the phone numbers are charged monthly based on the number types. Below is the list of pricing for different number types available in the US/Canada:
Local Numbers: $1.15 / month
Note: For all the other countries, the pricing will also be based on Twilio's pricing.
2. Messaging Service - SMS
The SMS pricing is based on the number of segments a message is compromised of, the pricing in US/Canada is as follows:
Outbound SMS : $0.0079/ segment
Note: This pricing is both for the local and toll-free numbers. For all the other countries, the pricing will also be based on
Twilio's pricing.
3. Messaging Service - MMS
The MMS pricing is based on the number of segments a message comprising of, the pricing for US/Canada is as follows:
Outbound SMS: $ 0.0200 / segment(From local and toll-free numbers)
Note: For all the other countries, the pricing will also be based on Twilio's pricing.
4. Voice Calls
The Voice calls pricing is based on the duration of the call in minutes, the pricing for the US/Canada is as follows:
Outbound Call :$0.0180/ minute (From local and toll-free numbers, includes charges for client minutes)
The voice calls to Alaska and Yukon Territory will not be charged based on the above prices. For all the other countries, the pricing will also be based on Twilio's pricing.
Note: The outbound calls have 2 legs so the cost of an outbound call will be $0.0180 ($0.014 for Outbound call + $0.004 for the webApp/MobileApp leg which dialer uses to initiate the call
(Client Minutes))
5. Number Validation
Number Intelligence is a bundle of three functions. All three are turned on/off together.
Number Validation ($0.005/call): before sending an SMS, check if the number is valid, if invalid do not send the SMS.
6. Number Format Lookups
All the number formats look up to support calls are free of cost.
7. Other Charges
Below are some additional categories that are also charged at the same price as Twilio:
Client Minutes for Calling ($0.004 per minute, already included in the outgoing call charges shared above, SaaS rebilling applies)
This is for the call flow, we have both outbound and inbound in a conference so those are for the global conference charges.
Note: Modifying these settings will change the cost incurred by your clients moving forward. Please do not modify these settings if you are not sure what the effect will be on your account. These settings will apply to any new clients moving forward.
TheBigBot - Email Pricing
We charge $0.675 for 1000 emails for all the plans at a lower cost than most major SMTP providers compared to $0.80/1000 with MailGun.
TheBigBot - Email Verification Pricing (Upcoming feature)
You can turn on email verification with TheBigBot- Email at $2.50 per 1000 email verifications (compared to $12.00/1000 with Mailgun!)
If the payment option that you select to utilize/ your card on file declines for any reason, continued usage of the TheBigBot
platform will be restricted. Once your debt is resolved and/or your account card information is updated with a valid form of payment that has sufficient funds, you will be granted access to the
TheBigBot platform with full use of the features. Please understand that if the debt on your account is not resolved within 7 days, the account will automatically be canceled. This will mean that we will no longer carry a record with your data, edits, conversation threads, phone numbers, and all other relative information pertaining to your account.
This will be a permanent result, and if you wish to have further utilization, it will result in a new account set-up where you will not regain access to this information because our system will not have access to it either.
TheBigBot - LC Premium Triggers & Actions Pricing
Once the 100 free executions are consumed,0.01$/execution will be debited from the Client Wallet.
LC Premium Actions-vs-Zapier Cost
Zapier base plan is $30/mo for 750 actions ($0.04 / execution)
LC Premium Actions is $0.01 / execution
LC Premium Actions are much cheaper than Zapier (1/4th the cost)
How Zapier Charges-vs-LC Premium Actions
Zapier charges in buckets. So after $30/mo, you need to go to $59/mo, then $74/mo, then $134/mo
LC Premium Actions charge pay-as-you-go, and that's why it is more economical
Any and all remaining credit balance is non-refundable if your account goes delinquent. Once again, this is user's responsibility.
The TheBigBot account provides you with full control, and we are fully transparent about our pay-per use fees, charges, and transactions. All this information is viewable & accessible through your account dashboard.
The current cap is 3,000 SMS Segments per day. However, we do not recommend to max your daily limit. If you have concerns and or questions in regard to your daily limit please reach out to support at
Please contact us with any questions or concerns regarding our pricing.
TheBigBot works on a PAY AS YOU GO MODEL